Monday, October 8, 2007


It feels like we can pull this one off now. Things are starting to form on the screens, like rotating balls and colorful circles bouncing within the frame! The recent problem we encountered is that the balls tends to get stuck on each other after a while of regularly bouncing. Hasn't figured that one out yet so Kasper is going to focus on the appearance of the confessions when clicking on a ball. Vedran and Twede continued with the exhibition area and made the round hanger (for the confession booth screens) more stable. They also solved the problem with the ugly silver duct tape on the white screens by covering it with white paper. Stephanie has written a text for an information brochure to be handed out to the exhibition visitors. I've been refining and doing the layout for the first draft of the magazine article.

Me and Stephanie have been putting up Experience Technology posters in Karlskrona today.

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